Digestive Issues Controlling Your Life?

Regain Control of Your Life by Healing Your Chronic Digestive Issues in Non-Medical Ways

If you’re struggling with chronic digestive issues like IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn’s disease you might feel like you’ve tried everything and don’t know where else to turn. That’s because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Our guts are as individual as we are, which is why one-size-fits-all approaches often don’t work. You might not realize that even though it’s not your fault, that you got here through no fault of your own, there are ways to improve and even reverse your symptoms. In this program, you’ll learn what impacts your digestion and why, so you’ll be able to make changes that are uniquely right for you. As a result, you’ll gain a renewed sense of hopefulness and with it an increased sense of empowerment to take control of your life and your health.

The Digestion Coaching Program

A 13-week program for high-achieving professionals suffering from chronic digestive issues including IBS, Crohn’s, and Ulcerative Colitis who are ready to transform their body, life, and gut in non-medical ways.

Are chronic digestive issues like IBS, Crohn’s, and Ulcerative Colitis getting in the way of living your life?

Are you tired of the:

  • Physical pain from gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation…
  • Embarrassment from gas or suddenly needing a bathroom and fast…
  • Constant anxiety and nervousness from not knowing what might happen...
  • Fear upsetting your ability to enjoy outings, travel, or even daily plans

I get it.

I struggled with IBS for as long as I can remember, and Ulcerative Colitis started after my second child was born. It ruled my life, but it went undiagnosed for years, leaving me confused, scared, and unwell.

I suffered from the physical pain of gas, cramping, bloating, alternating diarrhea and constipation, and - at my worst - urgency and explosions of blood and mucous that were so frightening, and I constantly wondered if I’d make it to the bathroom on time.

I felt helpless like my body was betraying me.

It was a constant drain on my mental energy. I was plagued by the constant worry of what could happen next. I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if it got any worse.

I was nervous to travel and it controlled my daily decisions and my life. I didn’t commit to plans because I never knew how I was going to feel.

And, I struggled alone. It’s not something I shared with too many people; even if I did, no one understood. It was so isolating. It robbed me of both my energy and my joy for life.

The doctors tell us there is no cure, but we can heal ourselves.

I felt like I’d tried everything. Sad, scared, and discouraged with traditional medicine that wasn’t helping, I spent years seeing one alternative medicine practitioner after another and trying various remedies and diets on my own. Some things gave temporary relief and others provided no relief at all.

However, after twenty years of research, study, exploration, and a willingness to try just about anything, I healed and regained my freedom.

You see, it IS possible to reduce and maybe even eliminate symptoms like gas, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and urgency in non-medical ways. It’s possible to escape the emotional pain and physical discomfort that comes with these symptoms. You really can get out from under the blanket of helplessness and gain freedom from the constant what-if thoughts and constant fear.

I’ve been symptom-free for over ten years now.

Digestive issues no longer rule my life. I now have regular bowel movements. I go about my everyday life and go off on outdoor adventures without having to plan whether I’ll have access to a bathroom. I no longer carry a ‘go bag’ in my car in case of an accident. I can travel again without worrying about what could happen. I know what you’re going through, and I’m passionate about sharing how you can heal too.

People often ask me how I did it, and when I share one aspect or another they often try it on their own without success. The problem is, there’s no single silver bullet. It’s a series of things that fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

Besides, trying to solve our digestive issues without knowing the root cause is like throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.

I know chronic digestive issues can take over our life - draining our physical and mental energy and inhibiting our enthusiasm and joy for life. I see so many people suffering the way I did and felt called to share what I learned to help others. I know there are things you can do to improve and even reverse your digestive symptoms if you just knew how.

That’s why I created this program. To share what I learned to guide you step by step so you can avoid the pitfalls and finally change your body and your life. And, you’ll no longer have to go it alone. You’ll have the support of a like-minded community and someone who’s been there each step of the way.

The Digestion Coaching Program

A 13-week program for people suffering from chronic digestive issues including IBS, Crohn’s, and Colitis who are ready to transform - their body, their life, and their gut in non-medical ways.

You got here through no fault of your own. But there are ways to help yourself. Digestive issues are a symptom of modern life. We think of our mind and body as separate, but they’re connected. And our digestion is right in the center - at the core of it all. No wonder it’s so disconcerting. With an increased understanding of digestion and actions to heal, you’ll gain a renewed sense of freedom and control and the ability to

  • Reconnect to life with restored energy and vitality,
  • Travel without worrying about what could happen,
  • Confidently commit to social plans
  • Show up more fully and consistently at work and be more present and joyful at home

This program works by identifying what impacts your digestion and providing you with tools and practices that empower you to take action to heal yourself.

Together, we’ll de-mystify what impacts digestion so you’ll know what changes you need to make to begin to unwind your symptoms. Our microbiomes are all unique. This program is not prescriptive, it’s informative, and laid out step by step, so you can make the right choices and take the right actions that are uniquely right for you.

How it works:

This is a 13-week program to help high-achieving professionals suffering from chronic IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn’s get started on a path to healing. This program is designed not just to inform, but to transform. If we change our minds, we can change our bodies and if we change our bodies we can change our minds. We’ll explore that from both perspectives so you gain a better understanding of what is impacting your digestion and what actions you can take.

Module 1 - Empowerment

We’ll define digestion and why it matters both physically and energetically to empower you to become the creator of your life and wellness.

Module 2 - Change your Mind -Change your Body - Part 1

Here we’ll explore the connection of mind and body, and you’ll learn to discern the wisdom from the body to discover what is uniquely true for you. This will allow you to befriend your body and work with it instead of resisting and fighting against it.

Module 3 - Change your Mind -Change your Body - Part 2

We’ll explore how our brain influences our gut and how our gut influences our brain. We’ll delve into how our thoughts and feelings can impact our gut bacteria, why it’s so important, and provide you with tools to become more aware of your emotional state allowing you to befriend your emotions and learn to use the wisdom of your emotions for healing.

Module 4: Change your Body - Change your Mind - Part 1 What to eat?

We’ll talk about what we know about food and what healthy means as it relates specifically to digestion. We’ll discuss the most common allergies, intolerances, and the effect of our microbiome on our health. We’ll explore dysbiosis or bacterial imbalance, how we got here, and what we can do about it.

Module 5: Change your Body - Change your Mind Part 2 Why, when, and how we eat

From food to stool we’ll talk about what, when, why, and how we eat and the impact it has on our digestion.

Module 6 - 9: Implementation and Support

Creating new habits takes time, consistent focus, and attention. In these modules, we’ll reinforce what you’ve learned and support you while you create transformational changes. We’ll help you track your progress to identify and assist you in working through roadblocks should they arise AND celebrate successes to inspire and motivate you to continue.

This program is for you if you:

  • Have had enough and are ready to make a change
  • Are tired of going it alone and would like support
  • Want to understand the root cause of your digestive issues
  • Are an action taker and your desire for a renewed sense of freedom and control in life is greater than the comfort of staying where you are

This program is NOT for you if you:

  • Are looking for a magic pill, a silver bullet, or a quick fix. Healing can happen spontaneously, but more often than not it takes time and consistent effort
  • Are satisfied with where you are right now
  • Invest in things but don’t do the work
  • Are in crisis. If you’re in crisis, please seek medical care.

Knowledge is power and with this new understanding of what impacts your digestion - physical, mental, and emotional - you’ll regain a sense of control and freedom in your daily life.

Imagine no longer being held captive by your digestive discomforts. Imagine being able to travel without worrying about what could happen, being able to confidently commit to social plans, showing up fully and consistently at work, and being more present and joyful at home.

You really can be yourself again.​

A peek inside the program:

All the information will be recorded so you can participate from anywhere, at any time and live calls are 1-1 so scheduled at mutually agreeable time.

When you enroll you get:

  • Access to program content for the life of the program
  • 1-1 Individual coaching and support – so you don’t have to go it alone.

Individual 1-1 Pilot Program begins as early as April 15, 2024 .This Individual 1-1 Digestion Coaching Program includes all the program content and individual 1-1 coaching calls to help you along the way. The program becomes available starting on April 15, 2024 and runs for 13 weeks from your start date.
Due to the intensive nature of this program, and the level of personal support, the number of spaces is limited. This special pilot offer is available only until the spaces are filled.

Tuition: After the pilot fills the program will be priced at $2997. For pilot participants, in exchange for your input and feedback, I’m offering this pilot at the reduced rate of $1497. This can be paid in full or three installments of $597. This is a unique limited opportunity. You’ll benefit from a reduced price AND additional individual private support. Reserve your spot now with the links below OR book a call.

No Risk Money Back Guarantee: Sign up with an open mind, show up to live calls, and complete all the assignments. If after the first 15 days, you find this program is not for you, I will happily refund you in full, so there is no risk for you.

Questions? Interested?
Think I might be able to help? Schedule a convenient time to chat about your specific challenges.

Here’s what people say about working with me…

This program is designed to break the endless loop of digestive discomfort- both physical and emotional. You’ll no longer feel you’re in this alone. You’ll get support as you implement changes to improve your digestion, your body, and your life. You’ll leave hopeful and with a renewed sense of empowerment, and control of your life.

You can continue to go it alone, ignore it altogether, or keep trying to progress through trial and error. This program is designed to provide a shortcut to what I learned over 20 years about digestion and what impacts it. You’ll have the support of someone who’s been there each step of the way, so you won’t feel so alone, stranded, and disconnected.

This Pilot is priced at ½ of the cost of the program cost when it becomes available.

Limited availability:

Due to the intensive nature of this program, and the level of personal support, the number of participants is extremely limited. This pilot offer will only be available until all the spaces are filled. Spots in the pilot are secured with payment.

Yes, I’m interested in the 1-1 Digestion Coach Pilot:

If you think you’d like to participate in The Digestion Coaching 1-1 Pilot? Schedule a convenient time to chat about your specific challenges.

No, I’m not interested in the pilot but want to be the first to know about future offerings:

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